Wealth protection and peace of mind for you and your family.
Choosing the right insurance cover is essential to safeguard against life’s uncertainties.
Many Australians are unknowingly under-insured and are unaware of what existing cover they may currently have structured through their superannuation.
At Harris Planning we will help you assess and choose sensible cover, by providing expert insurance advice for your personal circumstances and needs.
We understand that everyone is unique, so naturally your insurance should be too.
We provide expert insurance advice by:
What are the different types of life insurance?
Life Insurance: Pays a lump sum amount of money when you pass away. The money is given to the people nominated as beneficiaries on your policy. Your beneficiaries can choose to use the money to cover mortgage and credit card payments, child care, school fees, and other living expenses.
Income Protection: Pays a monthly benefit to you of up to 75% of your pre-disability income if you are unable to work as a result of sickness or injury. It’s designed to replace a portion of your regular income. The benefit will continue to be paid for a specified period whilst you remain totally or partially disabled and premiums are generally tax deductible.
Total and Permanent Disability Insurance (TPD): Pays a cash lump sum if you’re no longer able to work due to total and permanent disability because of an illness or injury. The additional money could be used to repay loans, help meet day to day living expenses, fund medical expenses, meet rehabilitation costs and pay for any modifications required to your home.
Trauma Insurance: Pays a lump sum amount upon diagnosis of one of the ranges of specified medical conditions in your insurance policy, for example heart attack, cancer, stroke. These funds can help assist you with medical costs, extra care and so forth.